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0:26 - Journey to UD

Play segment Segment link

Keywords: Baptist; Christian Methodist Episcopal

8:44 - While at UD: First Impressions of Dubuque

11:39 - While at UD: Choir

13:33 - While at UD: Friends

16:36 - While at UD: Choir part 2

Play segment Segment link

Keywords: Music Therapy: Michigan State University

22:27 - While at UD: Security

23:31 - While at UD: The Flooding of the Mississippi

24:03 - While at UD: Students from Thomasville

25:49 - While at UD: Free Time

29:18 - After UD: How UD Prepared Her For Future Experiences

Play segment Segment link

Keywords: Atlanta; Catholicism; Missionary; Spirituality; Student Loans

37:00 - UD Today: Courses Offered

37:38 - After UD: Applying for Jobs

38:32 - While at UD: Social Events

40:03 - While at UD: Learning a New Way to Sing

45:30 - Conclusion